Basecamp: Leadership Blog


A Love Letter

Feb 07, 2023

When was the last time you explicitly communicated to a family member their worth and potential? So clearly, that they were inspired to see it in themselves?

It was my daughter Quinn’s 15th birthday last week. The fun thing about birthday’s is how it creates an opportunity to celebrate and cherish the person they are becoming.

This morning while my wife Jen had my computer I took a few moments to crack open my journal with a cup of coffee. After refilling my pencil with some lead, I started capturing a few of my thoughts and came to realize that I could be doing much better.

The closest thing to leadership is parenting. Leadership is not about being IN CHARGE, it’s all about taking care of those IN OUR CHARGE. Whether you’re 15, 12, 2, or 45 years old, it's easy to forget how incredible we are when faced with challenges or stress.

As a leader, it’s my job to remind my family how remarkable they are. And it’s your job to remind yours.

This morning I took 10 minutes to write my daughter Quinn a love letter after she left for school. I sealed it up and tucked it on her pillow. And if you ask me, there is nothing more important that I could be doing at 9 am on Monday.

So, who in your family needs to hear from you this week?